What To Expect When You Get Dermal Fillers

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As you age, your face gradually loses some of its subcutaneous fat. One of the side effects of this is skin that looks looser and wrinkles that appear more pronounced. If you're looking for a way to combat these signs of ageing, you may consider dermal fillers. Here's what to expect when you try them.

A Thorough Consultation

A thorough consultation should always precede a dermal fillers procedure. As with any medical intervention, this consultation should focus on your overall health and any medications you're taking. The practitioner performing the procedure should also try to identify your image concerns and what your filler goals are. From there, they'll discuss what they can realistically do to help you meet your image goals. The best practitioners will always advise you accordingly if they believe a certain procedure won't benefit you right now. Their aim is to help you enhance your appearance, so they won't do anything to the contrary.

A Professional Procedure

On the day itself, make sure you wash your face as you usually would, but avoid putting on any makeup. You may also want to skip elements of your skincare routine that may cause sensitivity, including using peels, heavy exfoliators and certain facemasks. If you're in any doubt, speak to the person providing your dermal fillers. The practitioner you choose should clean your skin with an antibacterial agent anyway. Doing so is standard practice when receiving any injection. They'll then mark the areas on your face where they tend to inject, obtain your consent and talk you through any concerns you have. They should also offer aftercare advice.

Some Pain And Bruising

Although the procedure itself is mostly pain-free, you might experience some pain and bruising in the days that follow. As with any other type of injection, fillers puncture blood vessels in order to achieve the desired results. Your body's natural response to such punctures is to initiate a clotting process, which is why bruises arise. In the majority of cases, it's possible to manage the pain with over the counter medications. Before using anything such as ice, make sure you speak to your practitioner first. They have a sound knowledge of the filler's ingredients and can let you know the best course of action for managing pain.

How long your results will last can vary according to the filler used and the area it is used in. To gain a rough idea, always ask the person performing the procedure.
